Vacuum devices and ion-assisted processes for forming functional coatings

  • I.R. Bekpulatov 1
  • B.D. Igamov 2
  • G.T. Imanova 3
  • A.I. Kamardin 2
  • 1 Karshi State University 180119, Karshi, Uzbekistan
  • 2 Scientific and Technical Center with a Design Bureau and Pilot Production, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan 100125
  • 3 Institute of Radiation Problems, Ministry of Science and Education Republic of Azerbaijan, 9 B.Vahabzade str., AZ1143, Baku, Azerbaijan


In this study, processes of vacuum formation of the coating-substrate structure with the effect of ion purification and atomic transfer were studied. The processes of vacuum formation of the coating-substrate structure with the influence of ion treatment and atomic transfer in this system are of a complex nature. When irradiated with ion flows and simultaneous deposition of coatings, several processes occur: heating, sputtering, desorption, ion insertion, mixing, and chemical reactions. Estimates show that for effective modification of coatings, a deposition regime is required that provides an energy impact of the order of 100 eV per atom of the coating. To solve the problems of ion (ion-stimulated) deposition of metal coatings, in addition to vacuum-arc devices, relatively simple evaporator designs from a crucible-anode in a hollow cathode, an electron beam evaporator with an additional electrode, and several systems with plasma generation units that complement the devices can be used magnetron sputtering.

Keywords: Vacuum forming, Coating structure, Heating, Sputtering, Desorption, Ion insertion
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How to Cite
Bekpulatov, I., Igamov, B., Imanova, G., & Kamardin, A. (2024). Vacuum devices and ion-assisted processes for forming functional coatings. Caspian Journal of Energy, 1(1), 6-12. Retrieved from